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Taking your Pulse: A Simple Tool to Gauge your Organization’s Response to the Corona virus

Since the beginning of the year, Senior Living organizations have had to dramatically alter their policies and modify how they deliver care and services to their residents as well as how they function organizationally.

Many are wondering how the adjustments, uncertainties, and complexities of the Coronavirus crisis are impacting the employees and colleagues within their organizations.

We have worked with our coaching partners to develop a short, but targeted pulse-survey to assess how people within an organization are perceiving their leadership and organization’s response to the crisis and its effects on them personally and inter-personally.

The survey is free and can be delivered quickly and easily by sharing a link that immediately accesses the 14 questions (see sample report). It can be completed in a matter of minutes and will provide leaders with information and feedback about how those surveyed are being impacted by the changes and shifts being made by your organization.

If you are interested in using the survey within your organization, please email us at and we will send you your unique link to share with those who you’d like to complete the survey. Once completed, we will aggregate the data and send you the results.

We are hoping that the information gleaned from the survey, can help leaders like you respond and adjust as needed to best support your employees, coworkers and residents. 

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